Closing Ceremony Replay

Wendy Newman & Michelle Marchant Johnson

Let's Talk About Men

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30-Day Challenge Love Breakthrough

Yesterday's Featured Speaker

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Click Here to access Roy's free gift:  Attracting Lasting Love: Breaking Free of the Seven Barriers that Keep You Single

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(through June 13th)

Our Speakers

John Gray

Dating Advice For Women 40, 50, 60 And Beyond

Click Here to access John's website

Guy Finley

Relationship Magic: Waking Up Together

Click Here to access Guy's free gift:  The Genesis of Love: Relationship Magic in Heaven and on Earth

Johnny Fernandez

Being A Warrior For Love

Click Here to access Johnny's free gift:  Men of Quality Video Series

Jack Butler

Being Loved For Who You Really Are

Click Here to access Jack's free gift:  3 Keys to Being Relationship Ready, How To Attract and Keep Mr Right

Gregg Michaelson

Build Yourself And He Will Come

Click Here to access Gregg's free gift:   Own Your Tomorrow | 14 Steps to Prepare for Love

Mark Rosenfeld

Common Dating Mistakes Women Make

Click Here to access Mark's free gift:  How To Make Him Yours:
Beating The Odds Of Modern Dating

Ken Page

How To Love Yourself First

Click Here to access Ken's free gift:  Four Insights to Transform Your Search for Love

Hunt Ethridge

Insider Secrets Into The Male Mind

Click Here to visit Hunt's website

Hemal Radia

7 Surefire Manifesting Strategies To Avoid The Wrong Guy And Have Mr Right Fall In Love With You

Click Here to access Hemal's free gift:  Chapters from the Fantastic "Find You & You Find Everything: The Secrets to the Law of Attraction"

Joe Dunn

Overcoming Relationship Reluctance

Click Here to access Joe's free gift:  Mali & Joe’s Amplify Your Sexual Energy Video Course

Cary Valentine

The #1 Way To A Joyous, Juicy Relationship

Click Here to access Cary's free gift:  The #1 Way To Attract & Sustain a Joyous, Juicy Relationship

Ken Bechtel

Two Myths & A Secret About Men & Commitment

Click Here to access Ken's free gift:   Your Passport to Partnership...The 4 step formula for connecting with a high caliber man who is ready for partnership

Mike Goldstein

How To Get A Man to Commit Forever

Click Here to access Mike's free gift:  Why Do Men Pull Away

Benjamin Johnson

3 Things About Men You Need To Know

Click Here to access Ben's free gift:  10 Secrets Every Woman Needs To Know About Men

Kyle Benson

Authentic Attraction: How To Use Your Values And Needs To Find Mr. Right

Click Here to access Ken's free gift:  Authentic Attraction: 5 Secrets to Lasting Love

Dave Elliott

The Secret Of Man M.A.G.N.E.T.I.C.S.™

Click Here to access Dave's free gift:  How To Make Sure You Get A Second Date (Almost Any Time You Want One)

Jonathon Aslay

Why Modern Dating Needs A Makeover

Click Here to access Jonathon's free gift:  5 Qualities Men Look For In A Soul Mate

Larry Michel

How To Tell The Truth

Click Here to access Larry's free gift:   Your Personal Energetic Profile

Barry Selby

You've Been Lied To About Love

Click Here to access Barry's free gift:  Self-Love Guided Meditation

Todd Creager

The Easiest Approach To Attract Mr. Right

Click Here to access Todd's free gift:  The Easiest Way to Attract Mr. Right

Barry Paul Price

Date MEN, Not Boys: The 5 M's To Tell Right Man From The Wrong Boys

Roy Biancalana

Fit To Be Tied: The 7-Fold Path To Authentic Intimacy

Special Event Speakers

Wendy Newman & Michelle Marchant Johnson

Let’s Talk About Men!

Click Here to access Cary's free gift:  The #1 Way To Attract & Sustain A Joyous, Juicy Relationship

Click Here to access Dave's free gift:  How To Make Sure You Get A Second Date  (Almost Any Time You Want One)

Click Here to access Ken's free gift:  Your Passport To Partnership...The 4 Step Formula For Connecting With A High Caliber Man Who Is Ready For Partnership


Don’t Miss Out! Get it all, Guaranteed!

Only $97
(through June 13th)

Your Host

Michelle Marchant Johnson

3 Keys To Meeting Your Mr. Right

Michelle Marchant Johnson is a professional relationship coach, author and speaker. In her business she works with exceptional women around the world who want to enjoy a loving, passionate, committed relationship with an extraordinary man.

She becomes your virtual wing woman to 1) help you identify what may be holding you back, 2) walk with you through the potential landmines of dating and 3) provide caring support on your journey to the relationship of your dreams. has named Michelle as one of the Top Ten Midlife Relationship Experts for her popular advice. After decades of career success, but frustration, heartache and disappointment in her love life, Michelle got support, uncovered her own inner blocks to love and discovered the secrets that allowed her to meet her Mr. Right. She became an ecstatic first time bride at age 43 and has been married to the man of her dreams for over 12 years.

As a breast cancer survivor, she believes life is precious and is meant to be lived with purpose, love, and joy. She is thrilled to see her amazing clients meet, attract, and find love with their Mr. Right and enjoy a happy, loving, passionate relationship.