Summit Speaker Schedule

Monday, June 3rd, 2019

  • Alison Armstrong - Conceal vs. Reveal Understanding Men Through What They Say (Or Don't Say!)
  • Opening Ceremony (LIVE) – Michelle Marchant Johnson – 3 Keys to Meeting Your Mr Right (at 5:00 pm Pacific, 6:00 pm Mountain, 7:00 pm Central, 8:00 pm Eastern)

Tuesday, June 4th, 2019

  • John Gray - Dating Advice For Women 40, 50, 60 And Beyond
  • Guy Finley - Relationship Magic: Waking Up Together

Wednesday, June 5th, 2019

  • Johnny Fernandez - Being A Warrior For Love
  • Jack Butler - Being Loved For Who You Really Are
  • Gregg Michaelsen - Build Yourself And He Will Come
  • Man-Athon Event (LIVE) (at 5:00 pm Pacific, 6:00 pm Mountain, 7:00 pm Central, 8:00 pm Eastern)

Thursday, June 6th, 2019

  • Mark Rosenfeld - Common Dating Mistakes Women Make
  • Ken Page - How To Love Yourself First

Friday, June 7th, 2019

  • Hunt Ethridge - Insider Secrets Into The Male Mind
  • Hemal Radia - 7 Surefire Manifesting Strategies To Avoid The Wrong Guy And Have Mr Right Fall In Love With You
  • Joe Dunn - Overcoming Relationship Reluctance

Saturday, June 8th, 2019

  • Cary Valentine - The #1 Way To A Joyous, Juicy Relationship
  • Ken Bechtel - Two Myths & A Secret About Men & Commitment
  • Mike Goldstein - How To Get A Man to Commit Forever

Sunday, June 9th, 2019

  • Benjamin Johnson - 3 Things About Men You Need To Know
  • Kyle Benson - Authentic Attraction: How To Use Your Values And Needs To Find Mr. Right
  • Dave Elliott - The Secret Of Man M.A.G.N.E.T.I.C.S.™

Monday, June 10th, 2019

  • Jonathon Aslay - Why Modern Dating Needs A Makeover
  • Larry Michel - How To Tell The Truth

Tuesday, June 11th, 2019

  • Barry Selby - You've Been Lied To About Love
  • Todd Creager - The Easiest Approach To Attract Mr. Right

Wednesday, June 12th, 2019

  • Barry Paul Price - Date MEN, Not Boys: The 5 M's To Tell Right Man From The Wrong Boys
  • Roy Biancalana - Fit To Be Tied: The 7-Fold Path To Authentic Intimacy
  • Closing Event with Michelle and Wendy (LIVE) (at 5:00 pm Pacific, 6:00 pm Mountain, 7:00 pm Central, 8:00 pm Eastern)